domingo, 18 de junho de 2017

Buenos Aires - A New Fresh & Past Experience

😘Heyyy People!

I am changing the blog a little bit! Wowww 1st thing I am writing in English!! Whaaaatt??
The thing is...I don't write in English a very long time! Officially I've never written in English, just for English classes, but I am not much inspired for that, so I decided to write in English about my trip to Buenos Aires (on bussiness), because I wanna register and it makes sense to inspiring me!
2nd thing my initial idea was written (?) in English and had it corrected by the teacher  because I know my english is not good enough (to me). However I changed my mind, and i am not carryng about all my mistakes!! If I made mistakes in life and in portuguese. Why can't I make mistakes in English that is not my first language?? ;)
Sorry Mom and Dad, you won't understant anything! :S

Let's talk about Buenos Aires, Argetina.

As the trip was almost a year ago, things are not fresh in my mind!
But I can remember a lot of things, specially the hot waiter of the restaurant of our hotel :O hahahaha!! Yessss, our, because It was a group travel! Yeahhhh 4 girls having fun   WORKING and having a little (?) fun. It was a verrryyy coincindence though (I thought it is beautiful putting it in the end, sounds very fluently even it makes no sense :P:P:P) hahahahahahaha

There was a Pharma trade fair in BA, that's why 2 girls in chage of pharma area were there, I went with my boss to visit some Food customers.

My opinion about them:

- Buenos Aires is amazing and beautiful, it's like Europe!! Sooo clean and old and fancy!!!
- Argentinians (I confess Google Translator is helping me a litte bit) are very beautiful/handsome (I never know if I can use beautiful for man, as we learn a lot of things in the beggining and than we learn that is not like we have learnt, so...) Boys and girls are guapos :) hahahahahahah they are very sympathetic and polite! I can't speak Spanish, and I can't try, because I feel so stupid in creating a language that no exist! They also don't speak portuguese (I would like to use either, but I wasn't sure if it is either or neither as it is a negative sentence :S). The girls that I was witk can speak Spanish, so they helped me.
- They are not use to use (Can I?) credict/debit cards!!!! They are use to use Money!!! Moneyy!? The paper thing (hummm Should I use cash?? sounds better, I think).  You can use the plastic money in few (?) places! Its very strange for us, brazilians! "I don't use cash" just cards!! I am terrible in counting the change! Can you imagine counting the change in another Money?? But another strange thing that they do there is accept DOLAR!! Yes, they accept! They know the convertion taxes, etc!
- If I am not wrong we stayed in Palermo neighborhood (I don't know why I am not selfconfident, I look everything in GoogleTranslator, but I wrote it right! :), Don't ask me to write Unfontunately hahahahahaha)
- The atmosphere there (I am not talking about wheater) is vintage! There are antique stuffs as balance, their balance for fruits and vegetables are old!! we had those here when I was 10 years old! They have a lot of little stores!
- They have a lot of MILKA Chocolate!!! AMAZING!!!! It's cheap!!
- I went there in October! It was cold and raining!
- They have a lot of dog walkers there! It kind of funny and cute!
- Taxi drivers can be a liar as in Brazil!! A taxi driver cheated (on) us! I hated him!!
- The food is so good!! They don't have rice! But everything was good!
- They have a lot of GOOD doce de leite (dulche de leche), but I couldn't eat because of my problems with lactose!
- What else???
- Another interesting thing (What can I use instead of thing to say thing? Stuff??) There is a rule there if you spend, I don't know how long exactly, for example more than 3 minutes in a toll (a charge payable for permission to use a particular bridge or road) they open the cancels and you don't pay!!
- their minimum wage/basic salary is higher than ours, and stuffs are cheaper than in Brazil!
- I think they are not used to have lunch as we do! They prefer have dinner than lunch! they eat something in the middle of the day, as a sandwich or empanadas, but the better eating is at night
- We visited a Tango (cliché, but cliché can be good)
- I will try to put some pictures if I found out
I thinks that's all I can remember! I wanna come back there and visit the city!
- Ahhh I remembered another thing (thing again? probably I use this word in portuguese a lot!!!) I was there when the 16-year-old-girl was raped and murdered (SAD)! There were a big manifestation and the police was managing the traffic, it was so organized that it make me think they are used to protest a lot!
- Their Alfajors are delicious!!
- I enjoyed the trip. However we couldn't explore the city!

Nowww I am really done!!
I don't hope I make no mistake! Because the big problem is expect what is not natural!! If I am brazilian and I live in Brazil and I don't speak English more than 1 hour/2 days in the week! I shouldnt expect no make mistakes! :) #EVOLUTION
Althought that, if u read  and notice any mistake, pleaaaaase, let me know! I will be grateful!

My experience about written in English was nice! 

I might be crazy...I won't review the text :O
Now I reviewed 10 times!


Agora com Fotos!

Eiiiitaa que isso parado aqui como rascunho desde agosto/16.
Vou postar assim mesmo, pois já não lembro mais o que eu queria fazer hahahahahaha

Ahhh Uma pena demorar tanto para postar!!
Já esqueci muita coisa...
Na verdade tudo isso é muito surreal, que nem parece que aconteceu, fui, aconteceu taaaantas coisas e voltei para a vida normal!! Isso é muiiiiiiito maluco!!!
Acho que vou mais fazer um post de FOTOLOG do que BLOG, conforme lembro das coisas vou escrevendo...Mas é por isso que gosto de postar em "tempo real", pq depois muita coisa se perde :(